R&D Services
in Pilot Testing

We specialize in solutions for both animal and human nutrition, offering the necessary tools to innovate and refine your products with maximum efficiency.
Equipped with state-of-the-art pilot plant technology and a team of experts, we support you through every phase of your project—from prototype creation to scaling and optimization.
We provide a comprehensive pilot testing service for the development and optimization of feed/food products.

Explore some of our solutions
Origin determination of oils through DNA

Enrichment of nutritional matrices with bioactive compounds.

Valorization of vegetable and animal raw materials for feed/food applications.

Production of protein hydrolysates.

Production of flours and powdered products.

Separation processes using filter press and/or centrifugation.

Microencapsulation of compounds, including Omega-3.

New protein sources.

Coating of extruded feed for aquaculture and pets.

Drying of plant- and animal-based products.

Particle agglomeration and coating using fluidized bed technology.