R&D Pilot Area

The area offers a comprehensive upscaling unit for food innovation and development. Our expert team and advanced pilot plant allow us to address all stages of the service, from prototypes to industrial processes. Specialized in animal and human food, we have steam generators and high-tech equipment. We provide the necessary tools to develop and optimize projects and different products.

Microencapsulation of Compounds / Omega 3 / Others

• Enrichment of food matrices with Bioactive compounds

New Protein Sources

Revaluation of plant and animal raw materials for food

Obtaining protein hydrolysates

Oiling of extrudates for aquaculture and Pet feed

Drying of products of plant and animal origin

Obtaining flour and powder products

Agglomeration and coating of particles using a Fluidized Bed System

Separation process by filter press and/or centrifugation

Aglomeración y recubrimiento de partículas mediante Lecho Fluidizado

Proceso de separación mediante filtro de prensa y/o centrifugación